Sponsorship To register, please complete and submit the form below. You will be directed to PayPal to make payment. Or if you prefer, you may also download a PDF to finish and submit later. Sponsorship SPONSOR INFORMATION Contact Name * Company Name * Email Address * Address * City, State, and Zip * Phone Number * Sponsorship Levels Level * Grand Champion Level - $1,000 Reserve Grand Champion Level - $750 Blue Ribbon Level - $500 Red Ribbon Level - $100 (please see sidebar for more information on each level) For Blue Ribbon level only: Please choose your preference(s) of which category to sponsor. Categories Chicken Class Ribs Class Pork Class Brisket Class Dessert Class Booze-B-Que Special Class Kids Q Best of Osawatomie TOTAL $ When you submit the form, you'll be redirected to PayPal for payment. Your registration is not complete until payment has been made. Prove your humanity... Δ